Thursday, May 9, 2013

Less Runnier...

Time: 26.17
Distance: 2.1 miles
Pace: 12:31

This was an UGLY run. It was pretty warm and humid tonight, and I haven't gotten used to running in the humidity yet this season. It was not pretty - you know, the flailing, body twisting, arms and legs akimbo running...there was no form at all. I also recently discovered I make a "pooey" face when I run (the face a cat makes when they smell their pee or poop) See close up of my in-action shot from the half marathon -

Also not pretty...

So you can imagine that face combined with arms akimbo...that was me tonight. Hot. Sweaty. Akimbo. I can really tell what a couple weeks "lax" on the diet is doing, and how it is affecting my running. I've got to get back on it. After Mother's Day...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Well, as you can tell by the title, I'm chunky and I run. I had the epiphany to start this blog because I know several people who, like me, do not have the stereotypical "runner body" but yet somehow manage to run. Amazing, I know. The purpose of this blog for me is to connect with other runners that may not be super skinny and fast, but still love running as much as those people do. I'd love to share advice, tips, running stories (good and bad) and anything else that has to do with running and racing! I have done 12 5k's (PR 35:21), one 10k (PR 1:19:28), one 15k (PR 2:06:35), and one half-marathon (PR 3:05:39). I didn't do any of these races fast, but I still did them! I'm thinking of training for another half this fall, but right now I'm running to improve my 5k time - my goal is under 35:00 (so close!)

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